We are very proud to announce that our team is getting bigger and stronger. Helen Motteram will be teaching Behaviour consults, follow up reports and success with clients. And of course Dr Charalambos Petevinos and Dr Loucia Demetriou continue with the first aid and Concepts and Theories of Learning: Our need to know in collaboration.
All our certified trainers automatically become ICAN members and can use the official ICAN logo and if you qualify for Certified Animal Trainers then they can be listed on iCANs website.
New course starts 29th May - June 2nd 2024
Deadline for registrations MARCH 31st 2024
Our training program covers the following subjects:
Classical, Counter and Operant conditioning
Conditioned emotional responses (CER)
Positive reinforcement
Premack principle
Ways to get a behavior
Using Clicker
Dog body language
Group classes
1-2-1 training
Behaviour consults, follow up reports and success with clients.
K9 fist aid
Interactive play skills
Concepts and Theories of Learning: Our need to know
The PDTA program takes up to 9 months to complete. While it's not designed as a full-time program of study, it does call for commitment. Through the program, you will be required to:
Attend three (3) 5-day courses at Dog Coach School in Nicosia, Cyprus.
Attend four (4) half a day courses, which are Concepts and Theories of Learning: Our need to know in collaboration with Frederick University, Interactive Play with Craig Ogilvy, Behaviour consults, follow up reports and success with clients with Helen Motteram and K9 First Aid with Dr Haris Petevinos
2 reading assignments with Q&A online.
60 hours of practical hands-on training at shelters with video documentations.
Attend final assessment with written and practical examination.
COST 3,000 euro